Study Day Via Pulchritudinis 2024 in Antwerp

Via Pulchritudinis 2022-23

Imagine an aesthetic experience that hits you in the deepest of your hart and helps you to get closer to God. This is the aim of the study day of the VWHLL (which stands for Flemish Work Group of Contemporary Latin Liturgy) on Saturday, October 12th, 2024 in Antwerp, Belgium.


At 11:00 a.m. Pontifical Mass sung in Latin (according to the missal of Saint Paul VI) will be celebrated in the Saint James church (Sint-Jacob, Sint-Jacobsstraat 9) of Antwerp. The choir Cantabo will enhance the liturgy with Gregorian chant. Free access.

Following the Mass, at 12:30 p.m. a lunch will be served nearby the church, in the Arts Centre Vlaams Fruit (€ 25 pp, € 16.50 for students), Parochiaanstraat 4, 2000 Antwerpen (also known as Theater Het Klokhuis): a bread meal with a bowl of soup. You need to register (see below) for the lunch and the conference.

After lunch, at 2:30 p.m., a conference in Dutch by msgr. H. Woorts will take place at the same place as the lunch. The speaker is one of the Auxiliary Bishops of Utrecht. He will give a multimedia presentation about “The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Art, from the Early Third Century until Nowadays, in the Christian West and East”

The registration for lunch includes the access to the conference. Those who are not registered are invited to give a voluntary contribution for the conference into the appropriate baskets.

Finally, at 4:30 p.m., in the Saint James church (Sint-Jacob, Sint-Jacobsstraat 9), the opportunity to attend a short adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament will be granted. Free access.


Please register before October 7th, 2024, if possible. You can do this by bank transfer to the account of the VWHLL (see address below), IBAN: BE97 8900 2429 0649, BIC: VDSP BE91. Don’t forget to mention the number of persons for the bread meal with a bowl of soup (€ 25 per person, € 16.50 for students).
Registration is mandatory for lunch.

June 28th, 2024, Latin Mass Novus Ordo ad Orientem in Louvain

Flyer Louvain June 2024

On Friday, June the 28th, 2024, a Latin Mass according to the Novus Ordo will be celebrated ad Orientem at 6 pm in the chapel of the former Northern American College of Louvain (Belgium), Naamsestraat 100. The readings will be in English. Booklets with translations and answers for the faithful will be available.

A PDF booklet with translations and answers for the faithful is available here.

Study Day Via Pulchritudinis 2023 in Antwerp

Via Pulchritudinis 2022-23

Imagine an aesthetic experience that hits you in the deepest of your hart and helps you to get closer to God. This is the aim of the study day of the VWHLL (which stands for Flemish Work Group of Contemporary Latin Liturgy) on Sunday, October 15th, 2023 in Antwerp, Belgium.


At 11:30 a.m. Solemn Mass sung in Latin (according to the missal of Saint Paul VI) will be celebrated in the Saint James church (Sint-Jacob, Sint-Jacobsstraat 9) of Antwerp. The choir and singing school Lux Amoris will enhance the liturgy with Gregorian and polyphonic chant. Free access.

Following the Mass, at 13:00 p.m. a lunch will be served nearby the church, at the school De Dames (@ € 25 pp, € 16.50 for students), Lange Nieuwstraat 74: a bread meal with a bowl of soup. You need to register (see below) for lunch and workshops or conference.

After lunch, at 2:30 p.m., at the school De Dames (@ € 20 pp, Lange Nieuwstraat 74) or in the rooms of the Saint James church, workshops on Gregorian chant will take place, led by experts of the Lux Amoris School. Or, at the same time, M. Lieven Gorissen will give a conference in Dutch about “The Papal Zouaves and 150 Years of the Pro Petri Sede Alliance in Antwerp” for those who are more interested.

The access to the workshops and conference is included in the registration for lunch. Those who are not registered are invited to give a voluntary contribution for the workshops or the conference into the appropriate baskets.

Finally, at 4:30 p.m., in the Saint James church (Sint-Jacob, Sint-Jacobsstraat 9), short adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament. Free access.


Registration must happen preferably before October 10th, 2023. You can do this by bank transfer to the account of the VWHLL (see address below), IBAN: BE97 8900 2429 0649, BIC: VDSP BE91. Don’t forget to mention the number of persons for the bread meal with a bowl of soup (€ 25 per person, € 16.50 for students) and your level of knowledge of Gregorian chant (beginner, skilled, expert) if you want to attend the workshops.
Registration is necessary for lunch.

Study Day Via Pulchritudinis 2022-23 in Antwerp

Via Pulchritudinis 2022-23

Imagine an aesthetic experience that hits you in the deepest of your hart and helps you to get closer to God. This is the aim of the study day of the VWHLL (which stands for Flemish Work Group of Contemporary Latin Liturgy) on Saturday March 4th, 2023 in Antwerp, Belgium.


At 11:00 a.m. Solemn Mass sung in Latin (according to the missal of 2002) will be celebrated in the Saint James church (Sint-Jacob, Sint-Jacobsstraat 9) of Antwerp. The choir Voces Capituli will enhance the liturgy with Gregorian and polyphonic chant. Free access.

Following the Mass, at 12:30 p.m. a lunch will be served nearby the church, at the school De Dames (@ € 20 pp, Lange Nieuwstraat 74): a bread meal with a bowl of soup. You need to register (see below) for lunch and conference.

After lunch, at 2:30 p.m., in the beautiful restored ship of the Saint James church, Rev. Fr. Patrick Lens will give a conference in Dutch about “Believe in the Holy Trinity: a new approach to the problem of the evil”. The access to the conference is included in the registration for lunch. Those who are not registered are invited to give a voluntary contribution for the conference into the appropriate baskets.

Finally, at 4:15 p.m., in the Saint James church (Sint-Jacob, Sint-Jacobsstraat 9), short adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament. Free access.


Registration must happen preferably before February 28th, 2023. You can do this by bank transfer to the account of the VWHLL (see address below), IBAN: BE97 8900 2429 0649, BIC: VDSP BE91. Don’t forget to mention the number of persons for the bread meal with a bowl of soup (€ 20 per person).
Registration is necessary for lunch.

Study Day Via Pulchritudinis 2021 in Antwerp

Via Pulchritudinis 2021

Imagine an aesthetic experience that hits you in the deepest of your hart and helps you to get closer to God. This is the aim of the study day of the VWHLL (which stands for Flemish Work Group of Contemporary Latin Liturgy) on Saturday November 6th, 2021 in Antwerp, Belgium.


At 11:00 a.m. Pontifical Mass sung in Latin (according to the missal of 2002), celebrated ad orientem, in the Saint James church (Sint-Jacob, Lange Nieuwstraat 73) of Antwerp celebrated by the Most Reverend Jean-Pierre Delville, bishop of Liège, and enhanced by the choir Lux Amoris. Free access.

At 12:30 p.m. a lunch will be served nearby the church: a hot meal in restaurant Rubens Inn (@ € 70 pp, Wapper 17), or a bread meal with a bowl of soup at the school De Dames (@ € 20 pp, Lange Nieuwstraat 74). Registration (see below) is necessary for lunch and conference.

At 2:00 p.m., in the Hall of Mirrors of the Royal Palace (Meir 50, first floor) conference in Dutch by Monsignor Delville about “The Mass in Latin according to the current teaching of the Church”. A translated text in French will be available. The access to the conference is included in the registration for lunch. Those who are not registered for the conference are invited to make a voluntary contribution into the appropriate baskets.

At 4:00 p.m., in the Saint Catarina church (Beguinage, Rodestraat 39), Gregorian pontifical vespers by the choir Lux Amoris. Free access.


Registration must happen preferably before November 1st, 2021, by bank transfer to the account of the VWHLL (see address below), IBAN: BE97 8900 2429 0649, BIC: VDSP BE91, mentioning the number of persons for:

  • hot meal (€ 70 per person)
  • bread meal with a bowl of soup (€ 20 per person)

Registration is necessary for lunch.

Missa brevis

The Missa brevis contains a set of Gregorian chants (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei). This selection provides chants simple to learn and to sing. The selected Sanctus and Agnus Dei are the best known, since they appear also in the Masses of the Dead.

For new communities interested to be initiated to Gregorian chant, it provides a beautiful and shorter alternative for the Missa de Angelis, which tends to be overused by newbies. It uses the Kyrie 16, Gloria 15, Credo 1, Sanctus 18 and Agnus Dei 18 from the Graduale Romanum.

The scores below come from Gregobase, a database of Gregorian scores.

Kyrie XVI

Gloria XV

Credo I

Sanctus XVIII

Agnus Dei XVIII

Answers for the faithful in Masses with Gregorian chant (forma ordinaria)

We provide below the most common answers to be sung by the faithful, in dialog with the celebrant and his ministers.

After the publication of the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes limiting the use of the Roman Missal of 1962 (forma extraordinaria), we can expect an increasing demand for Latin Masses according to the Roman Missal of 1970/2002 (forma ordinaria).

The scores below come from Gregobase, a database of Gregorian scores.

Introductory Rites


In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti...

... Pax vobis...

After the opening prayer:

Alternative tone:


Liturgy of the Word

At the end of the first reading:

Verbum Domini — Deo gratias

At the end of the second reading:

Verbum Domini — Deo gratias

Before the Gospel:

... Evangelii secundum...

At the end of the Gospel:

Verbum Domini — Laus tibi Christe

Prayer of the Faithful:

Dominum deprecemur — Te rogamus audi nos

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Dialogue before the Preface:

... Sursum corda...

Acclamation after the Consecration:

Mortem tuam annuntiamus...

Final doxology:

Per Ipsum...

Our Father:

Pater noster...

Acclamation after the Our Father:

After the Prayer for Peace:

Pax Domini...

Concluding rite

Ite missa est — Deo gratias

Study Day Via Pulchritudinis 2020 in Antwerp (COVID-19 update)

Imagine an aesthetical experience that hits you in the deepest of your hart and helps you to get closer to God. This is the aim of the study day of the VWHLL (which stands for Flemish Workgroup of Contemporary Latin Liturgy) on Sunday 4 October 2020 in Antwerp, Belgium.

At 11:30 a.m. H. Mass sung in Latin (according to the missal of 2002), celebrated ad orientem, in the Saint James church (Sint-Jacob, Lange Nieuwstraat 73) of Antwerp; the choir Lux Amoris will not be able to enhance the beauty of the liturgy as foreseen, but we are looking for another choir.

At 12:30 p.m. a lunch will be served nearby the church: either a three-course menu (@ € 60 pp), or a bread meal with a bowl of soup (@ € 20 pp). Registration (see below) is necessary for lunch and conference.

At 3:00 p.m., the Meditative concert by the choir Lux Amoris will be canceled due to COVID-19.

At 4:00 p.m., still in the church, Gregorian vespers, with adoration and blessing of the Most Holy Sacrament, and followed by a cup of coffee (also canceled due to the virus).

Registration must happen before 29 September 2020, by bank transfer to the account of the VWHLL (see address below), IBAN: BE97 8900 2429 0649, BIC: VDSP BE91, mentioning the number of persons for:

  • lunch with three-course menu (€ 60 per person)
  • lunch with bread meal with a bowl of soup (€ 20 per person)

Registration is necessary for lunch.

COVID-19: this day will be organized in compliance of the rules to limit as much as possible the spreading of the COVID-19 disease. Please apologize us if the circumstances force us to change the program in the last minute due to the pandemic.