In Epiphania Domini
Continue reading Latin Readings (PDF and videos) OLM 20: The Epiphany of the Lord
Continue reading Latin Readings (PDF and videos) OLM 19: Second Sunday after Christmas
Die 1 ianuarii
Continue reading Latin Readings (PDF and videos) OLM 18: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Continue reading Latin Readings (PDF and videos) OLM 16: Nativity of Our Lord, Mass During the Day
Continue reading Latin Readings (PDF and videos) OLM 15: Nativity of Our Lord, Mass at Dawn
Continue reading Latin Readings (PDF and videos) OLM 14: Nativity of Our Lord, Mass at Midnight
Continue reading Latin Readings (PDF and videos) OLM 13: Nativity of Our Lord, Vigil Mass
According to Wikipedia,
O come, O come, Emmanuel is a Christian hymn for Advent.
While it is most commonly known by that English title,
it is in fact a translation of the original Latin, Veni, Veni, Emmanuel.
Continue reading Latin Readings (PDF and videos) OLM 12: Forth Sunday in Advent, Year C