Wasn’t the old Roman rite, anterior to 1969, more beautiful?

The new rite grants more liberty than the old one.
When liberty is misused due to dogmatic ignorance, laziness,
bad taste, etc…,
the worship celebrated in these conditions will obviously not
please to God and the faithful.

when the new rite is celebrated with faith, piety, competence,
knowledge of liturgical rules, and dedication,
it leads to a beautiful prayer and a testimony of real faith.

Some people use the adjective Roman for expressing the old Roman rite, anterior to 1969. Do you?

We don’t. When we speak about the Roman Rite, we are meaning the rite of the Roman Catholic Church currently in use, the so-called forma ordinaria. Pope Benedict XVI amplified the possibilities for celebrating the liturgy of the sacraments according to the previous form, as it was in use in 1962, which is now the forma extraordinaria of the unique Roman Rite.

Even those who do not use to celebrate according to the former form of this rite, must appreciate it to understand the contemporary one. Keeping the former living will be an enrichment for the current form that never will lose its continuity with the previous one.

What do you mean with Roman Liturgy?

The liturgy is the public worship that the Church, Mystical Body of Jesus-Christ, renders to God.

We specify Roman Liturgy to express this website is dedicated to the study the ordinary form of the Roman Rite of the Roman Catholic Church, currently in use.

It is the rite celebrated by the Bishop of Rome, since Pope Paul VI, and is used in Western Europe, whole America and Oceany, a great part of Africa, and several parts of Asia.

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